
Winter action

Winter time is when ice and snow scrunch under our shoes, our ski skins, our snowshoes, and the tires of our cars. Snow is what we all associate with winter, and what we hope for in winter. Even advertising is full of it, of Jingle Bells and Walking in a Winter Wonderland images. What sometimes starts to become a nuisance in advertising, remains beautiful in real life and, let's be honest, never fails to enchant us. The scrunching sound of snow is the tune of South Tyrolean winters, its sweet melody. Cold winter days hold their very own fascination, the touch of a warm hand on your icy one will feel so much more important, and a cup of hot tea will top the bill. You won't even remember that you like a cool beer now and then. You will only have eyes for the glittering ice palaces nature has built around cascades, and for untouched snow waiting to be discovered and swirled up.

South Tyrolean winters still are true winters, with cold days and even colder nights, and snow. Some years there's more, some years there's less, and sometimes we have to wait for it a little, but it always comes. All it takes is a so-called 'Genoa low', a weather situation reliably bringing us rain, and snow in winter. Sooner or later winter has always come. It typically stays until February or March, when the first warm days beckon sun worshippers away from their fireplaces. Winter sport fans don't wait that long. They love the cold season for the many great options it offers: skiing, ski touring, snowshoe hiking, ice and icefall climbing, or even a night in an igloo, including a sauna and hot water washtub at an altitude of 2,000 metres above sea level, additionally pampered with a three-course menu of local specialties. Doesn't that sound like a five-star winter?


Günther Ausserhofer
Mountain guide
Dorfstrasse 29
I-39030 Luttach
Mobil: +39 347 4138336

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